Letter 12 of College of Politician Series
Attached below is a letter addressed to Dr. Tam, the Chief Public Health Officer of Canada. In the letter I am advocating for regulation of politicians to protect the public. A big part of the argument is to prevent white supremacy. Their response was that it’s not within their scope.
Thank you :)
Letter 10 of the College of Politicians Series
Attached below is a letter I sent to Dr. Brent, the Chief Provincial Public Health Officer of Manitoba. It’s a short one. I thought I’d write something about promoting trust in vaccination.
Thank you :)
Letter 11 of the College of Politicians Series
Attached below is a letter I addressed to Dave Mitchell, who was at the time the President of Local 79. The timing was pretty bad as shortly after I sent it he was in the news for allegedly being bribed by his Vice President.
Anyway, enjoy.
Thank you :)
Letter 9 in the College of Politicians Series
This was my only international letter on the subject (at least so far), addressed to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. I heard about her and Mr. Singh of the NDP playing a video game for a fundraising event and thought I’d give it a shot.
Anyway, enjoy!
Thank you :)